Alternative Energy Investment Banking
As the search for alternative sources of energy goes mainstream, the financial world is increasingly turning its attention to alternative energy investment banking. According to investment firm Investec, the industry has the potential to sustain growth of over 20 per cent per annum for the two decades ahead. These are areas at the heart of the forces that will transform the world over the coming decades. As such they provide the greatest potential for high investment returns" said fund manager Tim Guiness, who looks after the Guinness Alternative Energy Fund. The alternative energy fund's investment strategy will focus on solar and wind power, but it will also have some exposure to hydro energy, biofuels, geothermal power and fuel cells.
According to authors Cary Krosinsky and Nick Robins, authors of the book Sustainable Investing: The Art of Long-Term Performance, alternative energy investment banking "has strong links to the pioneering ethical and socially responsible investment communities, but goes a number of steps further by placing the pursuit of financial returns in the context of the world's economic, environmental and social challenges."
Elsewhere, the alternative energy investment banking website, Altenergystocks offers a guide to the definition of "alternative and renewable energy companies" and it includes those which "directly produce energy from renewable or environmentally-benign sources, or develop and commercialize technologies and applications for the production of clean energy". In the face of such growth potential, alternative energy investment banking is safe, expanding and promising field for those looking for mid- to long-term returns and help the planet along the way.