Build Your Own Solar Panel
Solar power is one of the best ways to help the environment by generating emissions-free electricity. Solar power is still fairly expensive, but it’s possible to build your own solar panel if you would like to save some money and embark on a DIY project. Solar panels capture solar light and convert it into electricity, which is then stored in a battery bank. In order build your own solar panel, the best advice is to get a good guide with detailed instructions and list of materials. It’s fairly complicated and more suitable to the technically minded.
Amazon has several titles with instructions on how to build a solar panel. How To Build A Solar Panel And Solar Power System, by Robert Smith, Kindle edition, warns from the off that there are many hidden details that come with making a reliable solar panel that most people are not aware of. The book promises to give readers a basic understanding of how to build a solar panel and then customize it. Best of all, tools and materials needed to build the solar panel can be found at retail stores such as Lowes, Home Depot, Radio Shack, and Walmart.
Another option is How To Build A Simple Solar Panel, Kindle edition, by Benedetto Manino and Andres Torres. The book is described as a step-by-step guide to building a solar panel. The authors give detailed information on materials, measurements and illustrate the process with diagrams and photos. Readers also get access to the Solar DIY website with indexed videos with more details of each step. The finished solar panel will produce 18 - 20 volts in direct sunlight. However, the method presented by the authors can be scaled up to larger panels or for constructing larger solar arrays to power a commercial or residential building.
Finally, if audio is more your cup of tea, then Solar Panels - How To Build Your Own Solar Panel may be just the ticket. You can buy individual chapters or the whole book, depending on which topics interest you most. Also be sure to check out this incredible build your own solar panel guide here