Solar Energy Electricity
The sun is the source of all life on Planet Earth. Everything depends on it, including energy such as fossil fuels and biofuels. And, of course, we can tap its power to produce solar energy electricity.
Some people say that sunlight produces as much as 12.2 trillion watt-hours per square mile per year, based on a 12-hour day of sunshine and 100 watts of solar energy per square foot. This kind of calculation is often used to create a visualization of how much potential solar energy electricity holds, if only we could develop the technology to harness it efficiently.
Currently solar electricity systems are also known as solar photovoltaics (PV) and they capture the solar energy with the aid of photovoltaic cells. They are the panels we often see on the rooftops of residential and commercial buildings. Solar cells do not need direct sunlight to work and can produce electricity on a cloudy day. Solar energy electricity has several advantages. First of all, it is emissions-free at the point of generation. Apart from the materials used to produce the panels, energy produced from the sun does not generate greenhouse gases, which cause climate change. Secondly, it provides an independent source of electricity, which can be useful for those people living in remote regions or who want to reduce their dependence on the commercial grid. In some regions it is possible to completely live off-grid if the area is blessed with abundant sunlight.
The upfront cost of the installation of a solar panel array is still relatively high, but some states offer tax rebates to those who want to produce clean energy. Besides, some companies offer leasing schemes that do not require any lump sum payments.