biodiesel processors

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Biodiesel Processors

As the pressure to switch to renewable sources of fuel mounts, the solution is in a wide mix of alternatives to free us from oil dependency.

Biodiesel is one of the many options, especially favored by those who seek independence on a higher level since many people make their own biodiesel with biodiesel processors. A biodiesel processor is a mechanism whereby used or unused vegetable oil is converted for use as vehicle fuel. There are several models available. One of them is the automated biodiesel processor, which features an in-built blender, heater and filter. According to, it makes the job very easy, and is as easy to operate as a “washing machine”.

To make biodiesel the user will need to simply pour the oil, alcohol and lye, which is the catalyst, at the ratio indicated in the manual and simply turn on the device with the push of a button. The rest will be done by the processor automatically.

Some of these automated biodiesel processors are also available with an in-built washer so that the oil is washes after separating it from the glycerin and dries it out completely. What the user will have to do is to drain out the glycerin, which can again be used for some other purpose. Some portable processors also come with a nozzle to help the user fuel the car more easily. One website that sells biodiesel processors offers models whose prices vary from $2,300 to $6,600, depending on size and purpose. For the more technically minded, a quick search online will lead to pages giving instructions on how to build a biodiesel processor at home.