Eco Concept Cars
Several motor companies are coming up with eco concept cars. Recently General Motors' launched in Las Vegas its Cadillac Provoq, which the company says could get 300 miles on a single hydrogen tank plus a wide array of eco-friendly features. The car runs mainly on hydrogen, but it's complimented by battery-stored electricity. Toyota also showed an eco concept car in Tokyo called 1/X, powered by a combination of bio-ethanol and electricity.
The Royal College of Art in London has a tradition in cutting-edge car design and now it is branching out into eco concept cars as well. Its 2008 line of eco concept cars included models with electric engines and built with materials that are very light and sometimes even including driver-less navigation systems.
Developing eco concept cars is also an economic decision on the part of the auto companies since the industry knows it can longer rely exclusively on oil. Therefore, an eco concept car is a way to guarantee future business. Granted, it will be some time until eco concept cars reach the market on a mass level but they are a good indication of what the future holds for the automotive industry and the consumer. For now eco concept cars allow us to take a peek into a sustainable model of auto transportation.