eco energy

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Eco Energy

Eco energy is renewable energy that causes minimal or no environmental damage. Eco energy is available from various natural resources like water, wind, sunlight, and geothermal heat that can be naturally replenished. About 18 percent of the global energy came from renewable sources in 2006 of which almost 13 percent was from conventional biomass (traditionally used only for heating), and 3 percent came from hydro electricity.

Eco energy has gained popularity as wind power, solar power, etc. are used for more and more purposes. The United States, Europe, and Asia use wind power extensively. Solar thermal energy and geothermal energy are used abundantly in many countries all over the world. Ethanol fuel is popular in Brazil. Eco energy is used extensively by large scale industries although small scale industries could also use and operate with eco energy. Kenya has the highest ownership of household solar power units in the world (over 30,000 units).

Eco energy causes minimal or the least amount of damage to the environment and is renewable unlike petroleum that causes the highest amount of carbon emissions account for global warming. We allow the world to breathe fresher air when we use renewable energy.

The main sources of eco energy are solar, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal energy. Solar energy is a constant source of energy and harnessing the sun’s energy to use in domestic and industrial purposes is very popular in many parts of the world. It causes no pollution but is dependable on the availability of sunlight. Water energy is available from stored water that can be released to flow through turbines converting potential energy into kinetic energy. Biomass energy is produced from animal and human bi-products and is a non-pollutant. The problem of waste disposal resulted in the use of biomass energy in many towns and cities. Geothermal energy is obtained from heat present in the earth’s layers or surface.