eco friendly insurance

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Eco Friendly Insurance

When you build a new green home or install green appliances to an existing home, you can give further consideration to the environment and opt to get an eco friendly insurance. Like all types of insurance, an eco friendly insurance will cover as much as you require. They may replace standard systems and materials with green ones in case of loss, cover the costs to rebuild and replace with green alternatives such as non-toxic paints and carpeting, energy efficient lighting systems and water efficient interior plumbing. Or you could even get a total, green certified rebuild in case of total loss.

eco friendly insuranceAn eco friendly insurance policy can also be bought for a car. This type of eco friendly insurance can help cover the costs to offset the damage your car's CO2 emissions cause to the environment. A motor eco friendly insurance cover can also invest in projects like rainforest reforestation, energy efficiency and renewable energy resources, and use only repair companies that recycle or reuse materials like body panels and plastic parts wherever possible. It is a question of always thinking: how can this service be done in an eco friendly way? Often there's a way to do that.

Eco friendly insurance can also mean that the insurance provider is actively seeking to reduce its own environmental impact. By operating paper free, offsetting carbon emissions and using hybrid claims vehicles, eco friendly insurance companies can, in more ways than one, contribute to our move towards a greener economy.