Eco News
As interest in sustainable lifestyles, climate change and alternative energy grows, so does that the media that covers those topics. Eco news websites and magazines are launching all the time, often covering a specific niche within the broad scope of environmentally related topics. Climate change is probably one of the most discussed topics on eco news websites. The issue is an endless source of controversy, although climate denialism (the denial that mankind is causing climate to change) is not taken seriously anymore. A lot of the discussions revolve around politics, carbon emissions and taxation, as well as the economic and demographic consequences of climate change.
Other eco news websites focus on general environmental issues. Articles could be the latest in eco design, electric vehicles, sustainability, natural world, eco travel, politics, and climate change, among many others. These take a more generalist approach to eco news.
Taking a more light-hearted route to sustainability, some websites focus on the uncontroversial coverage of green products and gadgets. These may cover cosmetics, solar gadgets, eco fashion, green architecture, green travelling and any other subject related to consumerism from a green perspective.
One of the expanding sectors within eco news is media related to alternative energy. Our alternative energy blog, Energy Refuge, is an example of this type of website. It covers mostly solar and wind power, but also geothermal, biofuels, biogas and any other type of innovation coming from the energy sector. Energy efficiency also has become a popular topic in alternative energy circles. It’s relevant to note that most eco news media is actually online, as it is easier to publish and lighter on the environment because no paper, ink and distribution is required. There are some print publications dedicated to the green sector, but the vast majority is to be found on the internet.