Global warming myth
How can people still insist that global warming is a myth? The myth is that global warming is some giant hoax perpetrated by crazy tree huggers all over the world. I believe that it exists because it is a lousy excuse not to care about the environment, and it is time that these lazy people behind it stop the game. The Ayles Ice Shelf which measures about 41 square miles, broke free from the coast of Ellesmere Island, in the Canadian Arctic almost 500 miles south of the North Pole. The ice break occurred in August of 2005, and researchers just recently noticed the break through satellite imagery. This ice shelf was one of 6 major ice shelves that remained in the Canadian Arctic. Global warming is clearly evident in this occurrence, and scientists have cited "warmer temperatures" as the reason for the break.
When will we wake up? Global warming is not a myth...it is real! It is getting more and more evident everyday. I think that selfish people who could care less about the environment should stop hiding behind the notion that there is a conspiracy and a "global warming myth". Face the facts and get educated on the issue. We are destroying our planet...our home...and time is running out. Maybe when people become more "self less", the Arctic won't be more "shelf less".
Written by: Ethan K.