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Green Builders

With the revolution of green energy, every business is making inroads into going green. Green builders build innovative green design projects that are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly than the average home or business space.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), buildings account for 39 percent of total energy use, 12 percent of total water consumption, 68 percent of total electricity consumption, and 38 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. Because the built environment has such a huge impact on our natural surroundings, building green maximizes our economic and environmental performance. Green builders can enhance air and water quality and reduce wastes by incorporating green construction methods.

Green builders make sustainable buildings that are designed in an ecological and resource efficient way to meet certain objectives that reduce the negative impact to the environment. Builders build green without sacrificing design, quality or scope of the project. Businesses, industries, factories, college campuses, residential homes, etc. all prove that we can change our carbon footprint and build green by retaining strong structure and design. These builders build the basis for a movement toward making built environments safe by not depleting the dwindling supply of natural resources available to us.

Homes and buildings built by green builders prove that building structures that are green is less complicated and expensive. These green buildings use innovation and creativity in producing structures appealing to the eye. Only when builders change their perspective on how they build, realize that traditional buildings result in wasteful expenditure, will they begin to realize the environmental impact and economic benefits of going green.

EPA’s Industrial Materials Recycling Program provides necessary information to green builders on how industrial materials like coal, sand, etc. can be recycled and used to meet the industry’s demand. The EPA also adopted a Green Building Strategy to guide the green building activities. Federal funding for green building is available at national, state, and local levels for green builders. Grants, tax-credits, and loans are also available for constructing green buildings.