Green Technology
The word technology comes from the Greek (‘tekhnologia’) and means ‘systematic treatment of an art, craft or technique’. The first record of its use meaning ‘science of the mechanical and industrial arts’ was first recorded in 185; in 1965 the expression ‘high technology’ was coined, followed by ‘high tech’ in 1972.
In the century of the environment, as the 21st century has come to be known, we’re going to hear a lot about green technology, which plays a key role in the transition to a carbon-free, sustainable economy. It refers to methods and materials designed to make production of goods and services more friendly to the planet, and sustainable over the long term.
One of the most talked about types of green technology is alternative energy, which includes solar, wind, hydrogen, geothermal and many others. Energy is one of the biggest sources of emissions. Besides, fossil fuels are going to end one day so finding renewable sources of energy is not just green vanity, but in fact an utter necessity. Other areas in which green technology plays a major role are building, chemistry and nanotechnology.
One of the hopes for this type of technology is that it will change the way we live in the same way that information technology has done. Sometimes it’s difficult to remember what life was like before the personal computer changed the way we interact and consume information. Perhaps the same will happen when green technology becomes ubiquitous and radically alters the way our economies are powered and sustained.