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Renewable Energy Resources

Renewable or alternative energy are terms that we often hear or read these days. They refer to those types of energy that come from renewable energy resources, that is, resources that will not run out and reproduce themselves indefinitely, at least in theory. Solar, wind, tidal, wave, hydroelectric, biomass and geothermal are some examples of renewable energy resources. Some of them have been used since the beginning of civilization (such as solar and wind) but not on an industrial scale necessary to replace non-renewable energy resources such as coal and fossil fuels.

Of all the renewable energy resources, solar is the most emblematic of a new era when we could produce power without harming the environment. It can be used to heat water through collector panels - that’s what thermal solar heat is. In other cases photovoltaic cells are used to generate electricity. Currently the conversion rate achieved by these panels is relatively low (around 15%) but researchers are working to make them more efficient.

Wind power is also another popular renewable energy resource; wind turbines are becoming an increasingly popular sight in many parts of the world, where they are used to generate electricity. Usually a wind turbine has three blades with a length of 30 meters.

It’s not a single type of energy that will solve the world’s energy’s problems but a mix of renewable energy resources. This is the official position of the European Union, for instance, which has established a goal of 95% renewable energy resources for its transport system by 2050. Renewable energy is a crucial component of a sustainable world.