global warming every 1500 years

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Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Years

Have you read the book titled, " Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years"? We have read it and reviewed it so you can get some facts before reading it.

First of all, this book makes for some easy reading. It is well documented and fairly short, so researching points that are brought up in the book is very easy to do. The authors, Dennis Avery and Fred Singer, craft the notion that global temperatures are on the rise due to a natural cycle. The book's purpose is to take the blame off of mankind, and apply it to a cyclical force of nature occurring every 1500 years that is unstoppable.

The authors claim that global warming is not dangerous, explain why it is that temperatures are warming, and tell the reader that global warming can not be stopped.

unstoppable global warming every 1500 years book

While we have different views about global warming, we think that it is a necessary read for those who believe in global warming myths, and those who don't. Regardless of where one stands on the issue, it is crucial to look at both sides before taking a stand. This book is definitely in the libraries of large oil tycoons and cynics, but it deserves a place next to the eco-lover's favorite hemp bean bag chair. There are some interesting points in the book that should be addressed by the "green" community, but I will just let you read it so I don't spoil the surprises.

This book, "Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years" can be purchased in our store for only $24.95.

Book Review by: Ethan K.