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Wind Turbines in Australia

Miniature wind turbines are now being installed on major government buildings in Adelaide as a result of the State Government's push for renewable energy. Australia has recently been emerging as a nation seeking alternative energy options. Australia has recently moved to implement nuclear energy in the country, and to bolster solar energy. (See article solar power in Australia)

Over the next year, the wind turbine program will be tested, and if it proves to be a success, the State Government should move to install another 20. Five wind turbines have been approved and staged already, with the first turbine being placed on top of the State Administration Center, which houses the office of Premier Mike Rann.

wind turbine

"This is the first installation outside of the United Kingdom of the two-meter rooftop wind turbines which can provide a cost-effective renewable energy source for homes, community and industrial buildings,'' Premier Rann said.

Each turbine produces 1.5kw of electricity or between a third and a half of a household's electricity requirements. While it may not be a large energy generator, these wind turbines are a huge step in the right direction.