The majority of the energy used by US homes every year comes from heating and cooling systems. For commercial buildings, the percentage is even higher.

Many parts of America need heating and cooling to maintain a comfortable temperature. Newer systems are much more environmentally-friendly than those of the past, but there are many old systems in circulation. Fortunately, there are green HVAC technologies available that can make a difference. Here are five reasons you should consider making the switch.
Tax Breaks
No one wants to pass up a potential tax break. There are numerous tax breaks and other financial incentives available to individuals and businesses willing to make the switch to greener, more ecologically-friendly technologies. Right now, you can claim a tax break when you have a new HVAC system installed. In some areas, you can get a bigger tax break by selecting a more eco-friendly system.
The savings you make can go a long way to covering the costs of a new system. For most people, these savings will total $5,000 or more.
You Need to Ditch Your R22 Air Conditioners
R22 used to be the standard for air conditioners and heat pumps. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency has required manufacturers to phase out this refrigerant. As of January 1st 2020, it has been illegal to manufacture or import R22 into the US. Any new air conditioners must use a newer, less problematic refrigerant.
Going Green Is Good for Business
The environmental movement is no longer a fringe movement with little relevance to most people’s lives. We are all affected by climate change; none of us can opt-out of its effects. With environmental issues now high on the agenda, consumers are willing to pay a premium to use businesses that take their environmental commitments seriously. Making your place of work more ecologically-friendly gives you an easy line to use in your marketing.
Enhance Your Existing HVAC Systems
There are several examples of green HVAC technology on the market that improve HVAC systems’ performance and make them more energy-efficient and ecologically-friendly. For example, a smart thermostat means you can control your entire system remotely. You can also set up a custom settings profile to tell your thermostat to adjust its settings for optimal energy usage automatically.
It’s Healthier
Improving the quality of the air and water around you obviously won’t hurt your health. Making even a small change to your environment can have profound implications for your overall health. Head over to for discounted air filters and water filters to reduce the concentration of pollutants in your environment.
There is mounting evidence that HVAC systems are associated with better overall health. There are numerous reasons to suspect that this is the case, but it’s good to have these suspicions confirmed by science.
When you consider all the benefits listed above, switching to green HVAC technology is a no-brainer. Your health and your bank account will both benefit from the switch. When you factor in the potential boost to your existing HVAC system, the relatively minor costs of going green are more than worth it.