A good day at the Supreme Court

As many sites are reporting, the Supreme Court has told the EPA that is has the power. This is the power to control carbon dioxide emissions from cars and the power to tell Duke Energy to get new permits for longer operating hours (and more emissions).

Unfortunately, the EPA may do nothing about carbon dioxide emissions from cars under this administration, but they can. Here is the brief summary: Several states and local governments who have higher emissions standards are worried about global climate change and how it will affect their areas. West and east coast states may lose land as the shoreline rises.

My quick reading of the news articles and editorials leads me to believe that the EPA must come up with valid scientific reasons why they should not regulate carbon dioxide from cars. My guess is that it will take them 21 months to come up with an answer, just in time for a new administration.

My only hope is that we can wait that long. Or that, enough evidence and public support will rain on the administration to cajole them into regulating and thus reducing carbon emissions.

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free electron

Simply, I want the world to be a better place, for my kids and for all the other children in the world. I am in IT, understand technology, believe in the scientific method, and have made a lot of mistakes.

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