If you live in Virginia, be careful speeding. After July 1st, there will be a set of fees for driving tickets given. Go 20 mph over the limit and over and above the usual penalty of about $200 there will be an additional fee of $1,050. All of a...
Author - free electron
Currently, in most states, a gasoline tax is used to finance construction and repairs of our highways so that many single driver cars can roam freely. But what happens when more and more alternative fuels are used? Check out this AP article on one...
Imagine, if you will, a world where your cell phone, your iPod, and your flashlight never run out of power. Sounds like a great world and one company is working on it. G24i is working on a small flexible film that is solar powered. In the article...
I promised to tell you why it is important that you save energy. One person can rarely change the world. Most of us are not Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela or even George W. Bush. Most of us are just trying to get by. We go to our jobs, we raise...
There you are. Sitting at your computer at work. Maybe eating a bagel from the conference room meeting that just let out. Waiting for your next meeting to start. Reading this blog. Time for your meeting. You stand up and go. “Hey what...