It all started when I read Once a Dream Fuel, Palm Oil May Be an Eco-Nightmare – New York Times. This article is about how palm oil producers are expanding their arable land by draining wetlands and burning peat.
And then I read Biodiesel Exhaust: The Need for Health Effects Research, which seems to be a scientific scare article about potential health problems with biodiesel. Of course it does admit that the same studies should be done with petroleum-based diesel as well.
And I start to wonder about how many negative stories does their need to be about bio-diesel before the shine starts to come off of it for most of the developed world?
Of course this article, AEI think tank sought critique of climate report |, raised my conspiracy concerns.
And then I read this one, too: BBC NEWS | Americas | Mexicans stage tortilla protest. The sentence that got my goat was “Under the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement, Mexico used to get cheap corn imports from the US, but Mexico’s Economy Minister Eduardo Sojo has said that with more US corn being diverted into ethanol production, supply is dwindling.” So now alternative energy is starving poor Mexicans.
Is this all a conspiracy of brilliant negative public relations or am I reading too much into these articles?
United States Government induced Global warming by implementing two nuclear power plants to heat the Ocean 2 to 4 degrees .The price tag would be enormous , as they new it would take 30 to 40 years before any real results would take place.They named the Project EL-NINO , this Translates into English as little one or little child ,it also translates to THE STORM..At the same time they had another project called Haarp, many people including Jay Ventura (Conspiracy Theory) believed that Haarp was a way of creating weather some even believed it was an attempt at mind control ,in reality Haarp was created to melt the northern Ice Cap , using High Frequency. If global warming was caused by Co 2 , green house gasses or would find that the northern and southern Ice caps or the Colombian Ice fields in Alberta would be melting at the same rate . I assure you they are not ,a quick check on the Internet will reveal satellite Images of all three and only the Northern Icecap is disappearing .I had gone on Google earth and laughed when I seen that they have already removed the northern Ice Cap.the south still remains .It not only remains on google Earth but you will find that the satellite Images they have today are Identical to the Images you have on the Globe you bought in the 60’s and 70’s or back in the 1800’s.. They had another project , underneath the Indian OCean the Earths Crust is at it’s thinnest there is a lot of Volcanic activity.They wanted to use a number of Atomic weapons or weapons of that nature to blow a massive hole in the Earths Crust . Heat from the Earth’s Core would also heat the Ocean again creating Global warming.,however they new that a tsunami that size \ would destroy anything in it’s wake ,There was a number of issues with doing this ,you only have to look at the Damage that these Blast did . Yes they were aware of this back 40 years ago,Fukushima had just been furnished and discussions about a meltdown and the results were reviewed .We also felt if the USA did this that thwould cause World War 3
I was taught this in 1970 there is more feel free to contact