The Global Alliance for 100% Renewable Energy recently called on European leaders to make firmer commitments to make a transition to renewable energy. The statement was made during the inauguration of the Alliance in Munich when member organizations...
Category - alternative energy
Alarming news on the climate change front this Friday. Scientific measurements show that the heat-trapping gas has now reached an average daily level above 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in three million years. This raises the...
Six people yesterday were arrested during a protest at the Enbridge pipeline joint Environmental Assessment and Energy Board hearings. They were taken to a police station, charged and then released. The group managed to make their way past police...
German capital Berlin is one of Europe’s great cities and if BürgerEnergie Berlin (Citizens Energy Berlin) could have its way, it will be even greater. Related Posts:Alternative Energy Is Topic of New TV SeriesRecord Investment In...
It sounds like magic but it’s actually based on sound science. A British start-up called Air Fuel Synthesis is developing a technology to make gasoline using renewable energy to capture carbon dioxide and water from the air. It then...