Everything seems to happen in threes. There are three different hydrogen producing news stories: Purdue has scientists using aluminum to create hydrogen. One cancer patient is generating hydrogen from salt water And in the Economist, they reported...
Category - alternative energy
Brazilian president Luis Inácio da Silva, or Lula, was given a media platform by the UK Guardian, one of the most influential newspapers in the country, to put across the arguments for sugar-cane ethanol, alongside other topics (the article...
Although the science behind this newly found bio-fuel is not fully complete and ready to implement, butanol leaves us with a hope greater than that of ethanol. But what is butanol? When speaking of it as a bio-fuel, it is an alchol based fuel that...
At St. Francis University, Loretto in Somerset, PA something special is happening this weekend. Something that will hopefully create a trend in cities nationwide. We’re talking about an Alternative Energy fair. An exhibit that is dedicated to...
Top 15 Green Sport Stars. This is a list of 15 athletes who are doing the most to project our planet and to educate the masses about environment. MSN List of green athletes. Ranging from bicyclists, basketball to xgames champions, these green...