It is nice see that some artists are engaging in ecological issues, an engagement that is surprisingly rare, considering how in the past the arts scene used to be more political – it seems like climate change, alternative energy and green...
Category - Carbon emissions
Geological sequestration or underground storage is one of the proposed solutions for mitigating CO2 emissions. The problem is that in many instances it is simply not feasible, geographically or economically, to bury CO2 underground because of the...
Does the code B100 mean anything to you? Don’t feel bad if not, we’re only just beginning to realize the potential of this new wave of alternative energy. B100 is the pure form of Biodiesel; an emerging fuel manufactured from...
One doesn’t need to be a scientist to remember the very simple fact that water by itself doesn’t burn. And yet the Internet is alive with ads claiming it’s possible to run your gasoline-powered car (with a simple conversion) on...
In my last blog entry I began to discuss the benefits of using hydrogen as a virtually pollution-free fuel source. In effort to capitalize on the potential of hydrogen, fuel cells would have to replace internal combustion engines. So exactly how...