Powell shared stories about his decades of service as well as management advice, urging industry leaders to “inspire the followers so that everyone understands one another and are united in a common purpose that is greater than just the goals we are trying to achieve.â€
In specific reference to wind power, Colin highlighted the role that this renewable source of energy has played in human history, going back to the Venetians who used it to power their sails. Across Europe, wind power was harnessed to move water mills.
He highlighted the industry’s role to make the world independent of fossil fuels. “You’re doing much more than building turbines,†he said. “In the coming years there will be a premium on energy activities that also protect the environment as the global demand for energy increases. Wind is stimulating economic growth, helping bring people out of poverty, and providing one of the cleanest ways to do it.â€
He also added that despite being a leader in innovation, the United States has fallen behind the development of renewable energy, despite the fact that the world still looks to the country for leadership. He said that in a “flattened world, everything flows through the global system – we cannot shut ourselves off from that just to say we’re safe … We’re Americans, and we’re not afraid of anybody; we have to remain open for business.â€