Eurosolar Solar Prizes

eurosolar solar prizesEurosolar is inviting applications for the European Solar Prizes 2007. Applications/proposals must be received at the EUROSOLAR office in Bonn (Germany) not later than July 31, 2007 (deadline). The respective prize winners will be selected by a jury appointed by EUROSOLAR. It is open to municipally-owned entities, individuals, engineers, architects, owners of installations using renewable energies and to organizations who rendered an outstanding service to the application of renewable energies.

The categories are:

– cities, municipalities or municipal services
– industrial, commercial or agricultural operations
– owners or users of installations utilizing Renewable Energies
– local or regional associations promoting projects for Renewable Energies
– solar architecture
– media award: to a journalist, author or a medium for reports or demonstrations on Renewable Energies
– transport systems with Renewable Energies
– education
– one-world co-operation
– special award for extraordinary individual commitment

Further information from the Eurosolar website.

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Antonio Pasolini

London-based, Italo-Brazilian journalist and friend of the earth.

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