But there’s no point celebrating Earth Day without considering action; otherwise it risks becoming just another symbolic and meaningless date. For that reason, we have compiled a few resolutions for Earth Day 2011:
a) Switch to alternative energy: Clean energy is surely one of the best ways to help the environment. Massive solar farms are being built, but it’s rooftop solar that will help decentralize power generation. And guess what? The New York Times has written that installing solar power also increases a property’s resale value. It’s a win-win solution.
b) Re-use and recycle: These are two established green actions but it’s surprising how many people still don’t recycle, which would send Beverly Sutphin from Serial Mom into a lethal rage fit. Not just individuals, but big companies also fail to recycle as we reported yesterday. So think of Easter as the symbol of rebirth that it is and give products a new lease of life as well.
c) Cycle to work: Nothing can be greener than cycling. It is emissions-free, needs little maintenance, makes no noise and keeps you fit. Check out our recent post on Bike Month and get ready for some two-wheel action.
d) Go vegetarian: The livestock industry is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions and some say quitting meat has a bigger impact than quitting a SUV. In fact, it’s probably one of the easiest green actions we could take since we it’s much easier to change a diet than it is to quit transport. Follow the link to order a free veggie starter kit.
e) Save water: Water scarcity is a major concern in the 21st century. As we reported recently, wind power generation needs almost no water in its electricity generation process, but wind alone it can’t solve the problem. Use water frugally, remembering what a precious commodity it is and how lucky you are to have clean water from the tap. Nearly one billion people don’t have access to clean water while many others have to walk for miles to access a well. It is expected that climate change will exacerbate the water problem so we had better start taking action now. Follow the link to get some tips on how to save water at home.
Happy Earth Day and Happy Easter from Energy Refuge!
Earth day must be celebrate each and every person in the world with this they used to do some good things such as not to use polythene covers, plantation, do not use their vehicles for at least once a week and participate together and clean their locality, beach etc then our & our children future will be bright and happiness.