1. Recycle the wrapping paper – when opening presents, be sure to do it carefully to preserve the large sheets. You’ll be able to use them again on another occasion. Ideally we should avoid excessive packaging but it’s virtually impossible to avoid it altogether. Keep it or push it to the recycling pile.
2. The Christmas tree – millions of trees are bought every year, creating thousands of tonnes of trash. The garden center you bought them from probably has a disposal system, where they may be converted to chippings.
3. Save electricity – Energy Savers says consumers can save around 10% on heating and cooling bills by simply turning your thermostat back 10°–15° for eight hours. This is possible without sacrificing comfort, but you need a programmable thermostat for that.
4. Candles – How about saving electricity and creating a cozier ambiance at the same time? Be sure to avoid paraffin wax candles as these are a petroleum by-product. Paraffin candles emit over 10 toxins into the air, according to Californian authorities. Go for plant-based waxes such as soy.
5. Donate unwanted presents – Regifting is perfectly acceptable after Christmas. Choose your favorite charity shop linked to a noble cause. Just be sure that you do it with care lest you offend the person who gave you the present in the first place. But it doesn’t make any green sense to keep an item which will not have any use for you.
Energy Refuge wishes its readers a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Thanks for your support and we hope to see you again.
Great tips! Since the LED lights use less electricity, although they will be an initially higher investment, a lower electric bill during the holidays will offset that cost. 🙂