The folks at Google Map are promoting during the week of October 13th and 14th, a CleanUp Weekend. Eco-minded people around the world will head out to clean up local parks, beaches, trails and other places close to home.
Google says it is planning the cleanups using Google Maps in order to share plans with friends and families, along with an invitation to help. So far, “Googlers have sent in almost 100 cleanup maps and proposed plans, and have invited more than 900 of their personal contacts to help.”
It says it takes just a few minutes to plan your own cleanup, make a map of it and send it to them, which they will add it to a map of all the cleanups around the world. The advice is to keep the cleanup small (groups of 6-10 people work best) and close to home, which is easier to organize.
To start your cleanup, go here.