Why not make it a green day?
Perhaps you could go for a walk or a cycle ride with your dad?
Get a vegetarian meal instead of a meat-based dish?
Do some gardening work and plant your own vegetables?
If you feel like spending some money on your father, here’s a last minute idea. The Natural Resourses Defense Council has a Green Gifts section with several options, which range from sponsoring rainforest projects to wildlife protection. There’s even one option dedicated to green driving legislation.
Now, if you want to educate your father about how bad gasoline is for the environment and human/non-human health, this beautifully put-together video by the Center for Investigative Journalism will give him some food for thought and it may persuade him to switch to alternative energy for good.
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Love the video about the true cost of gasoline (or as we call it on the other side of the globe ‘down under’) We pay about the equivalent of about $4.50 – $5.50 per US gallon (about $1.50 a litre) and with our ‘carbon tax’ inevitably being passed soon, it was going to look as though we were going to pay in a similar way that Germany does, but now we aren’t (which is a good thing in some ways I suppose). What I dont get is why polluters seem to get more tax brakes and government assistace than those trying to create less carbon (there are no tangible examples here that I know of apart from the grants to install solar power)
Anyway, love your vid, love your work.