Media Source is one company that has become more green. It has done this by not only trying to green its processes, but also by giving its employees some green options as well.
This is a Public Relations firm that uses less paper than most. As someone who has been in the marketing world, I know that there is a lot of paper getting printed, marked, and tossed out. Media Source strives to get to the paperless office. And they are also using less energy in other arenas. The use a lot of natural lighting at their workplace which I know makes for a better work environment as well.
I also like that they have real cups, plates and silverware AND a dishwasher instead of an unlimited supply of paper cups and plastic forks.
And they have a secure site for clients to pick up work. Imagine not having to worry about being done before the last FedEx pickup time! And not having to ship everything back and forth.
And their employees can even VPN in from home instead of taking that commute into the office.
Any company can do these things. And these things do help.
Sure Media Source is not large or even in a high energy use industry like aluminum smelting, but every bit helps. And I bet their employees like knowing that their company cares about something beside the bottom line.