Solar power is, quite rightly, associated with rooftop panels, since this is the most common use of the technology. But there are other less high-tech ways to harness solar power. Simply hanging clothes to dry outside is one of them. Solar cooking...
Solar power company SunRun has produced a video called The Story of Coal, presented in the same simple style as The Story of Stuff. Coal still generates 50% of the electricity consumed in the United States and once people get the real picture of how...
Cyclists with a passion for the environment have an event to look forward to. The fourth edition of Climate Ride is taking registrations for the 2011 edition which will take place between May 13-17, covering country roads between New York City and...
General Electric this week announced that it will purchase 25,000 electric vehicles (EV) by 2015, effectively converting half of its worldwide fleet of cars to electric power by that date. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...
Algae biofuel is something of a dream renewable fuel source: it can thrive on non-agricultural land, use wastewater and absorb carbon dioxide. But development of cost-competitive algae biofuel production will remain a dream for years to come...