An organization dedicated to promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency has launched a website that appeals to the current anti-oil sentiment sparked by the ongoing Gulf tragedy. Related Posts:Gulp Oil Spill First Anniversary
- Amazon
- Amazon trip
- Biomass
- Brazil
- Carbon emissions
- Climate change
- Community
- cool products
- Deforestation
- environment
- Environmental cost of meat
- Rainforest
- Sustainable Development
Dispatch from the Amazon: the queen of biomes needs care – and global cooperation
The day the group of journalists I was visiting Brazil with by an invitation of Apex, a trade and investment agency, arrived in Brasilia for a series of meetings with government officials, the news was good. The country had managed to reduce...
General Electric is inviting clean-tech geniuses to come out of the energy closet. The company has launched a $200 million challenge to businesses, entrepreneurs, innovators and students with novel ideas on how to build the next-generation power...
- alternative energy
- Amazon
- Amazon trip
- Animals
- Biofuel
- Brazil
- Carbon emissions
- Deforestation
- environment
- ethanol
- Forests
- Fossil fuel
- Hydropower
- Oil
- Solar power
- wind energy
Dispatch from Brazil: the energy issue
Brazil takes a lot of pride in the fact that 48% of its energy matrix is renewable, mostly thanks to hydropower, the source of 80% of the electricity consumed in the country, and ethanol, which has been powering vehicles in the country since the...
Mild-mannered and soft-spoken Sérgio Serra has a tough job in his hands. He is the Brazilian Climate Change Ambassador, the representative of a country that emerged from the COP15 meeting in Copenhagen last October with one of the most ambitious...