First of all, Happy Independence Day. Related Posts:Alternative Energy and IndependenceJune 19: national day to celebrate solar energy
The July issue of the National Geographic magazine approaches a very important topic: energy. In the face of the Gulf oil spill tragedy, it has become more pressing than ever to seek out green, clean alternatives to fossil fuel. Related Posts:No...
According to a new MIT report, natural gas will play a leading role in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions over the next several decades, largely by replacing older, inefficient coal plants with highly efficient combined-cycle gas generation...
- alternative energy
- Business
- Plastic bottles
- Renewable energy
- Solar power
- Sustainable Development
- transportation
Wal-Mart goes green
Guest blog post by Dan Auld If you want to heap plaudits on Stuart Woolf for going sustainable way before sustainable was cool, go ahead. He just wonders what all the fuss is about. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...
SolarAid, an NGO that works to promote solar power for the world’s poor, recently announced that the charity’s Tanzania chapter completed an installation of solar power for the whole of Chole Island, bringing renewable power to over...