A Boston non-profit organization is taking technology to communities around the globe and best of all, it is doing so with solar power. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...
- alternative energy
- Consumerism
- Cycling
- eco friendly
- environment
- Environmental cost of meat
- Geothermal
- Green consumption
- photovoltaic solar power
- Solar power
- wind energy
Happy World Environment Day
05th of June is the day we celebrate the environment. The date marked the beginning of the first UN conference on human environment, which took place between 05 and 16 June 1972. Here at Energy Refuge we celebrate the environmental all year round...
Deep Green is the name of a type of tidal power plant developed by Minesto, a company based in the UK and Sweden. It is an underwater kite consisting of a turbine, generator, rudder, which is attached to the bottom with a tether. The mission: to...
Brazil today signed the REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) Partnership at the Oslo Forest and Climate Conference in Norway. The event was attended by representatives of 52 countries. The objective of the agreement is to...
I recenty discovered a blog called Paleofuture which specializes in retro-futurism, visions of a perfect, high-tech future that never really was (or did not materialize as expected). Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...