A report from Reuters’ Global Energy Summit indicates that solar power executives are positive the market may rebound. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...
PCBC is a yearly event in in San Francisco where exhibitors market their best and most innovative products to homebuilders looking for products that can, among other things, “help improve the sustainability of our communities”. It will...
Pacific Gas and Electric Company announced earlier this month that it has entered into a series of contracts with BrightSource Energy for a record total of 1,310 megawatts (MW) of solar thermal power. These power purchase agreements, covering seven...
The big story this week is the piece of news that came out of of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The organization carried out the most comprehensive modeling yet carried out on the likelihood of how much hotter the Earth’s...
(Via Solveclimate.com and EarthFirst.com): Be careful with what you read these days. Solve Climate has written denouncing The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), which Solve Climate says “has been running an online...