Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers have discovered a potential chink in the armor of fibers that make the cell walls of certain inedible plant materials so tough. The insight ultimately could lead to a cost-effective and energy-efficient...
Alternative Energy News has a great article about a company called Peñascal, a 202 MW wind farm in Texas, who wants “to become a model for responsible development by installing new radar technology to protect migratory birds and...
Hydrogen is considered by many to be one of the cleanest types of fuels. Researchers pin their hopes on it as a replacement for dirty fossil fuels. The problem with this type of fuel as the technology currently stands is the heat generated by metal...
The news that San Francisco-based utility company PG&E, which, as a California investor-owned company is required by the state to source 20 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2010 and 30 percent by 2017, is planning to buy solar...
Today is Earth Day and we’d like to live a simple message: love the Earth. She’s our mother and our only home. Love Her with deeds, not just words, by being conscientious about your energy use, your level of consumption, your diet and...