Here at Energy Refuge we are big fans of algae biodiesel fuel. It just seems such a wonderful way of producing energy and there are so many advantages in the process that it really is something to be hopeful about. Of course, there are economic...
The Sierra Club has a petition going on to put pressure on Congress representatives to support the Save American Energy Act (H.R. 889), introduced by Representative Ed Markey (D-MA-7). Says the organization: We need aggressive action from Congress...
The University of South Carolina – City of Columbia Fuel Cell Collaborative announced on April 1st the Greater Columbia Fuel Cell Challenge 2009 Awards at the National Hydrogen Association’s 20th Anniversary Conference, hosted in...
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San Jose in California has a Green Vision of the future
The City of San Jose in California boasts impressive green credentials. Currently, 12% of its power is supplied by renewable sources. The City is also home to a bevy of solar power companies. But the local administration wants to achieve more than...
Modern manufacturing methods are spectacularly inefficient in their use of energy and materials, says a MIT analysis of the energy use of 20 major manufacturing processes. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...