Without meaning to indulge in a bit of Schadenfreude (I can’t get enough of this German word), I was happy to see that the bottled water market is starting to dry up. Bottled water was one of the first topics I blogged about on Energy Refuge...
Good news on the solar power front as far as economics go, or so it seems. Triple Pundit has a report with a round-up of links pointing to the fact that consumers will benefit from decreasing costs involved in installaling solar power systems in...
The Advanced Technology Institute at the University of Surrey has been awarded a major research grant by the energy giant E.ON as part of their ‘Application of Nanotechnology in the Energy Business’. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found...
I came across this article recently and I thought it was well worth sharing, despite this article being old hat in media time. The Guardian newspaper had access to a leaked internal report by the World Bank claiming that biofuels may be responsible...
The algae biodiesel fuel market seems bound for the big time in 2009 and a new report by Energy Business Reports, called “Biofuel from Algae Market Potential†explores the investment potential of the technology. “Algae are the...