Aircraft manufacturer AirBus earlier this month revealed Smarter Skies, a kind of manifesto for cleaner, more sustainable air travel. The program is part of The Future series and serves up sustainable solutions and ideas for the expected increase in...
The Infograph below shows how the southwest region in the UK is working to embrace sustainability through alternative energy. In typical English style, some of the energy generation figures are given in cup-of-tea equivalents, surely the easiest way...
A waste treatment plant in Waterbeach, UK, is now being powered mostly with solar energy. Lightsource Renewable Energy Limited and Solarcentury have jointly developed the photovoltaic (PV) 5MW project that will provide 70 percent of...
An Italian designer has created an ingenious solution to the fresh water problem that many people in the developing world face. It’s called Eliodomestico, a ceramic solar still designed by Gabriele Diamanti as a way to produce fresh water...
A new report compiled by GTM Research and the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) says that the U.S. solar power market achieved its second-best quarter in history, when it installed 742 megawatts of solar power and best quarter on record for...