I recently came across Steampunk Magazine, an instigating, free-to-download publication that has arrived at its second issue after a much-lauded first edition, with the theme, “A Journal of Misapplied Technology”. One of the highlights...
The easiest way to use less energy, to have a smaller footprint, is to actually have a smaller footprint. A smaller home uses less resources. There are now companies that make homes about the same size as a New York apartment. But without the...
At St. Francis University, Loretto in Somerset, PA something special is happening this weekend. Something that will hopefully create a trend in cities nationwide. We’re talking about an Alternative Energy fair. An exhibit that is dedicated to...
It seems like Subaru is working on a green ad campaign. And it is successful as far as I am concerned. I am ready to buy one. They have their factory on an wildlife refuge. There is almost no trash since they recycle as much as they can. And they...
Top 15 Green Sport Stars. This is a list of 15 athletes who are doing the most to project our planet and to educate the masses about environment. MSN List of green athletes. Ranging from bicyclists, basketball to xgames champions, these green...