Billions of people live without access to modern electricity services and clean energy could lift them out of the economic exclusion zone, improve their education and make their lives generally better. It can also save some lives, literally. Related...
WindMade, the first global consumer certification for companies that use wind energy, issued its first label to Danish hearing aid manufacturer Widex. Related Posts:No Related Posts Found! Go find some...
Earlier this month I wrote about the Turanor PlanetSolar, the first sea vessel to complete a journey around the world on solar power. It arrived at its destination in Monaco on May 04th after 19 months of navigation. Related Posts:No Related Posts...
This is a question that many of us who follow the clean energy industry may have asked ourselves: which one represents more value for money, wind or solar power? Surely they are both alternative energy types that we should embrace in order to break...
The standard solar cell uses silicon oxide, which is expensive and environmentally toxic. One of the promising alternatives is the so-called “Grätzel cellâ€, a cheaper, cleaner alternative based on more abundant titanium oxide...