Every now and then we hear a specialist singing the merits of algae as the ideal solution for the fuel crisis. The idea of algae as a source of biofuel sounds wonderful, but detractors say it’s too expensive and impossible to scale up. But...
A solar panel and a yoga mat not often appear in the same sentence. But future solar panels have been compared to mats as a new technology promises to deliver amazing flexibility and efficiency within five years. Related Posts:Hiring Solar...
In the wake of Japan’s natural disasters and nuclear spill-out, the country’s prime minister Naoto Kan announced that it would look for renewable energy alternatives to power the country. Related Posts:Japanese Say No To Nuclear...
Solutions to environmental challenges are often laden with paradoxes. Let’s take the case of desalination of sea water to make potable water. It’s becoming more common in some parts of the world, including the Mediterranean region and...
Considering switching to solar power in your house? Great, we like the sound of that. In order to make your transition to solar power a happier experience, we asked the folks at Batteries in a Flash for a few tips. This is what they told Energy...