Saving the Environment at Home

There is a lot you can do to save the environment. Here is a short summary of the little things you can do.

Turn off appliances. Turn of the computer, and the computer monitor when not in use. Approximately 40% of the time computers are in use, they are idle with no operator. Turn off the lights that are not necessary. Use your judgment and determine when to turn off lights at night or day. There are timers that can be put on to control automatic lighting. Unplug major devices that are not in use. Cable boxes and digital receivers still consume about 40 watts- that adds up to hundreds of dollars a month.

Lower your thermostat. In winter, try to maintain air flow between rooms by not closing the doors unnecessarily. Find the best temperature setting. Try to put a thermostat in every room to give you better control. One degree change can save you a big percentage, as the heater will be idle longer.

In summer, try to use efficient air conditioners and do use the thermostat. It can lower your consumption by half.

Insulation. Use insulation as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. It will make your life easier, and of course, it will make more efficient heating and cooling.

Open the windows when the temperature outside is good. Do not rely solely on air conditioning when not needed.
Close the windows in winter.

Switch to florescent lighting. It can save 30% of your electric bills.

Recycle. Reusing materials will definitely save waste.

Let dishes dry by mere air flow. Just turn off the dishwasher before it drys the dishes. Just leave the door slightly opened and the air will dry the dishes.

If you refrigerator is old, you may want to upgrade it. It will pay for itself in a few years.

Use efficient shower heads which requires less pressure to give you the same results.

There are plenty of alternatives to a lot of the chemicals we use. For example: Use water and vinegar to wash your windows.

Use public transportation. Walk. Car pool. Do not make unnecessary trips.

Choose cars that are efficient. Electric, or hybrids are the preferred ones.

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1 Comment

  • I am a realtor in rural america….I see the waste everyday in energy use, furnishings, and containers in households. The manufacturers need to offer more products like recycled and reusable products that look good and the consumer doesn’t even think about choosing just because it is environmentally good. example: I bought Walmarts black bag made of recycled plastic and paper that will be my new carry in grocery bag. I looks good and works great. Why not use it? Oh, and I don’t need anymore plastic or paper bags…is just another reason to carry it! Cost $1 each. I used it for the first time yesterday and other buyers and checkers at the store I bought my milk were impressed!