“The constraint of solar energy has traditionally been its price. ‘Grätzel cells’ provide a more affordable way of harnessing solar energy. Grätzel’s innovation is likely to have an important role in low-cost, large-scale solutions for renewable energy,” says the President and CEO of Technology Academy Finland, Dr Ainomaija Haarla.
The decision was made by the Board of Directors of Technology Academy Finland, based on the recommendation of the International Selection Committee.
Dye-sensitized solar cells are often described as “artificial photosynthesis”. The technology represents a promising alternative to standard silicon photovoltaics. It is made of low-cost materials and does not need an elaborate apparatus to manufacture.
Grätzel cells are still in relatively early stages of development but they show great promise as an inexpensive alternative to costly silicon solar cells and as an attractive candidate as a new renewable energy source. Recently, they made their debut in consumer products.