We have all seen pictures of large expanses of traditional wind turbines. Each one turning in the wind.
But some of us are engineers and inventors. Some of us think: There must be a better way.
I have looked at Selsam’s parallel blades, I have studied the quiet revolution website. I have already written about apartment size blades.
There must be a better way to decide on the best design. This is not a question of Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, of Betamax or VHS, that can best be decided upon by the market. Wind power can be scientifically studied. Just as car designers put their cars in a wind tunnel, why can’t wind power designers? And come to think of it, airplane manufacturers are all about drag as well, and I am sure they have even more sophisticated tools and larger wind tunnels.
It is one thing to put your design on a mountain and see what happens. But it is another to study it under controlled conditions. I think the car and plane manufacturers should open up their labs to wind power designers. All study wind and drag.
Boeing, Ford, GM: Help save the world.
The problem is that different tubines are suitable for different locations and wind parameters. Add to that building code limitations, visual appeal etc etc and the choice is no longer “scientific”.
HAWTs will be the core of the lareg generation facilities for the near future. Other designs may come in as development of large turbines and turbine parks move into other areas than highest annual wind energy content per area unit.
As for other designs the market will decide 🙂
Glad to hear about new windmill designs.
thanks from tony