The solar industry wants to be part of the discussion as well as the solution. A solar coalition of more than 40 solar and renewable energy organizations will be present at the event to “demonstrate the immediate potential of the accelerated deployment of solar energy in reducing harmful pollution, combating climate change and creating jobs and economic impact.â€
“The Sun offers us today a unique way of generating electricity on a global scale, making it possible to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with the added benefit of being socially responsible, generating jobs and supporting sustainable development locally,†said Adel El Gammal, Secretary General of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA).
“Government representatives in Cancun should advocate for a clear shift away from conventional fuels to solar energy. This will allow developing nations to leapfrog past conventional energy dependency to a clean and unlimited source that can also easily reach under-served populations in rural areas”, he added.
The coalition will release in Cancun the 2010 edition of a report called “Seizing the Solar Solution: Combating Climate Change through accelerated deploymentâ€. The report shows that combined world targets for solar electric capacity will reach 700 gigawatts by 2020 and solar thermal capacity will reach 280 gigawatts (GWth, thermal equivalent) by 2020.
An online solar petition has been launched as well and will be sent to key policy makers in the wake of COP16. The recipients of the petition will also receive a Solar Dancing Flower “to remind them of the power of the sunâ€. Funds generated from the production of the solar flowers will be donated to Solar Solidarity, an NGO active in the promotion of projects for the developing world using renewable technology, with emphasis on solar.
For illustration: the red squares indicate the space needed for solar collectors to produce the present power for the world (18.000 TWh/y,…300×300 km2), f……or
Europe (EU 3.200 TWh/y, 125×125 km2) and for Germany or MENA (Middle East and North Africa, about 600 TWh/… Vezi mai multy, 55×55 km2).The square labelled “TRANS-CSP Mix EUMENA 2050” indicates the space needed for solar collectors to supply the needs for seawater desalination and about two-thirds of the electricity consumption in MENA in the year 2050
and about one-fifth of the European electricity!/group.php?gid=129308063756704