UN climate change conference in Bali

Bali climateThe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) yesterday started in Bali to discuss what can be done to reduce global warming and to cope with inevitable temperature increases.

The Washington Post has published an in-depth article penned by the secretary general of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon, which paints a broad picture of the global situation.

Elsewhere, Reuters has a report on the opening day and says it got off to a very good start. But environmental groups attending the event want to see the developed world taking more responsibility in reducing emissions since they have been the greatest culprits in the global warming process.

“No matter how you spin the arrow of responsibility it always ends up pointing at a handful of rich countries. They caused historical pollution and got rich in the process. They can afford to adapt at home and justice demands that they help the world’s poor countries cope as well,” said Kate Raworth, senior researcher for Oxfam. “Future commitments to cut emissions are a must, but additional financing for adaptation cannot wait until 2012. Here in Bali delegates from dozens of poor countries will tell you that they need it now,” she added.

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Antonio Pasolini

London-based, Italo-Brazilian journalist and friend of the earth.

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