According to Auto Evolution, the trial will take a two-year period with a view to demonstrate the potential for large-scale investment in DME produced from biomass.
Bio-DME is produced from several types of biomass. When it’s made from natural gas, it’s called simply DME. Bio-DME is estimated to achieve a reduction of 95% in carbon emissions. It is also less noisy compared with traditional engines. The Volvo trucks are being fuelled with Bio-DME produced from black liquor, a by-product of the pulp industry.
The fuel will come from Chemrec’s pilot plant in PiteÃ¥, which will have the capacity to produce four tonnes of Bio-DME a day. The opening ceremony will take place tomorrow.
Filling stations will be built by Preem and the first one was inaugurated in Stockholm yesterday (September 7). Other stations will be opened in Göteborg, Jönköping and Piteå.
“From an over-riding perspective, Bio-DME is one of the most promising second-generation biofuels. It provides both high energy efficiency and extremely low emissions of greenhouse gases,” said Volvo Trucks Environmental Director Lars MÃ¥rtensson.
The EU believes Bio-DME could replace half of today’s diesel usage for heavy commercial transportation by 2030.
I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s imrpseisng me! 🙂