Who else wants the best green job?

Yahoo green jobs
What would you say if I told you that you could drive environmental strategy for one of the largest dot coms in the world? That you would specialize in decreasing energy use and climate impacts of their offices and data centers worldwide? Analyzing energy choices and technologies, green power selection, carbon offsets, and utilization of clean technologies, (have I piqued your interest yet?)…GOOD! Yahoo is looking for THE green guru to fill their Energy & Climate Change position and that person could be you.

if you don’t take this job, you’ll hate yourself later…

These days it seems that everyone is jumping on the energy band wagon, but being conscious of the need for change and active in change are two separate issues. Although there has never been a greater need for energy reform, many have still failed to get actively involved. As a whole, the push towards energy responsibility has been more of a grassroots movement. From the individual consumer to the corporate juggernaut, the energy crisis looms ahead as a constant reminder of our poor choices and lack of responsibility. But there are those who have made a commitment to go beyond their part and effect change wherever opportunity arises or their ability reaches.

Yahoo…What can be said about their consistent ability to position themselves at the forefront of what’s hot? Unlike many that are playing catch up, Yahoo has already enacted programs and made a corporate commitment to energy responsibility. With a desire to reduce their dependence on natural resources, and enforcing eco-friendly programs that bring the whole Yahoo team together to effect change, they are far ahead of the competition and provide a powerful example on how one company can make a difference in our environment.

As a further example to their commitment, Yahoo has implemented an energy saving program which is projected to save approximately 15% annually on energy costs- it is initiatives like these where you fit in. Yahoo is dedicated to be a leader in energy reform and they are looking for a person with the same desire and commitment to energy independence and global sustainability. Some of the responsibilities of this position would include:

  • Overseeing the climate change strategy to ensure Yahoo! is making the best choices their environmental and business objectives
  • Evaluating options for decreasing climate impacts, making recommendations, and implementing programs
  • Managing Yahoo!’s carbon offset portfolio, interfacing with vendors, consultants, and offsetting project developers
  • Setting energy efficiency goals that position Yahoo! as a leader and overseeing tactics to reach those goals
  • Getting recognition for leadership practices
  • Representing Yahoo! at industry-wide consortiums focused on energy and climate change

If you possess the skills and vision that is needed to fulfill Yahoo’s goal of energy reform, then go apply online today. If you are green, this is one opportunity you won’t want to miss.

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Ethan K.

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  • Solar energy is the most abundant natural resource we have, and that technology has been around for awhile, but it wasn’t practical from a financial perspective until now. So why should the customer have to pay a premium price for renewable energy when is cost less to produce? When we can provide the average homeowner with the ability to produce their own electricity and keep the saving instead of paying for Commercials, Stadiums and other corporate greed we are making headway in solving our energy crisis.
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