Alternative Energy Articles - August 2006
The Great Warming Midwest - The Great Warming is a moving documentary film about global warming that urges action on climate change and ecological issues.
Alternative fuel vehicle sales growing - With high prices and rising energy costs, more Americans are buying alternative fuel autos, including diesel, hybrids, and ethanol fuel vehicles.
Getting off the grid - Getting off the grid is a term that refers to a home using alternative energy and not consuming any electricity from the local electric company's grid.
Photovoltaic solar energy - DuPont is building a $50 million photovoltaic solar energy facility to meet the high demand for photovoltaic solar energy materials.
California one million solar roofs plan - Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation that is designed to have one million solar roofs built in California by 2018.
Hybrid cars break even - The auto web site, Edmunds.com, is now saying that some hybrid cars are worth their premium price tag due to higher gas costs and tax credits from the government.
Wind power an alternative energy source - Wind power is a safer and increasingly cheaper alternative energy source for the future. Believe the forces of the marketplace - which are right more often than editorial writers.
Ethanol e85 in Texas gas stations - H-E-B stores have started selling E85 ethanol at select gas stations around the central Texas area. The e85 blend is 60 cents cheaper than regular unleaded at these select gas stations.
Solar electric power to get more affordable - This solar technology will make solar power competitive with conventional electricity, but when will the average person get it?
Hybrid cars- What you need to know - These are some facts about hybrid cars and some common misconceptions that hybrid vehicle buyers have.
Solar technology in Australia - Solar power is not new to Australia, but the incredible solar technology used to power satellites in orbit is not.
Clean energy programs - Clean energy programs to get $2 Billion from Dept. of Energy as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct).
Solar Power coming for PG&E Customers in California - As the nation's number one distributed solar utility, PG&E supports solar energy in a number of ways.
Hybrid cars beat high gas prices - Hybrid cars can save you gas and money but should you still buy a hybrid vehicle?
Sun screens reduce summer heat - Sun Screens block up to 90% of the sun's harmful UV rays and reduce temperatures in rooms by as much as 20 degrees.
Why alternative energy is a bad word - Why is alternative energy a bad word? We should have already moved away from our dependence on the oil industry.
Solar powered wi-fi - Through solar powered wi-fi, Green Wi-Fi is trying to bring Internet access to schools in developing countries.