Alternative Energy Articles - June 2006
Solar shingles - Solar shingles are an incredible breakthrough in the solar energy market. They appear to be regular shingles but they contain thin film photovoltaic cells which harness solar power.
Energy Efficient Google - Google Inc., typically tight-lipped about the technology behind its data centers, builds its own servers to save costs and because standard products don't exactly meet its needs.
Renewable Energy from garbage - Renewable energy technologies, including fuel derived from household garbage are becoming renewable energy sources.
Solar power homes in Asia - Solar power does not require steep subsidies to be able to push aside environment-polluting fossil fuels.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles- A Buyer's Guide - Here's a guide to alternative-fuel vehicles if you're convinced gas prices will stay high and you're willing to buy a new car.
Fuel efficient vehicle - Fuel efficient vehicle travels 3,145 miles on one gallon of gasoline.
High gas prices - High gas prices may stay up because foreign factors determine how much we pay a BP economist says.
Nuclear plants coming to Texas - Two new nuclear power units in Texas will be part of a giant alternative energy plan to construct more power plants across the country during the next decade.
Solar power in new homes - Majority of Americans Think Solar Power Should Be Offered on All New Homes.
e85 ethanol - E85 ethanol is catching on in U.S. as vehicle fuel, and its market will continue to grow.
Ethanol pushes gas prices higher - Demand for ethanol as an additive has made the price of gasoline go higher.
Energy Saving Strategies - With gas prices stuck in the stratosphere, you can save hundreds of dollars a year by using these tips and tricks to buy your gas for less.
Wind energy within our reach - Wind energy as an alternative energy option is great if your home is a good wind site.
Fuel cell boost from ethanol push - The United States' sudden love affair with ethanol fuel will boost prospects for embracing hydrogen-powered fuel cells later.
Renewable energy sources - Renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biomass, and biogas are our hope for energy sources in the future.
E85 getting auto industry attention - General Motors introduced this week three additional models designed to burn high concentrations of ethanol, part of a major trend in the auto industry to offer flexible fuel vehicles.
China and Denmark wind energy development - China and Denmark on Wednesday launched a wind energy program, which will be financed by a Danish grant.
Russian solar and stellar powered battery - Russian scientists have invented a battery that can capture energy not only from the sun, but also from the stars.
Solar power thrives on rooftops - Australia wants mass-produced solar technology that would bring its affordability and place clean solar energy within the reach of everyone.
What is ethanol? - Ethanol isn't new. It's been a staple for Midwestern agricultural states like Iowa and Minnesota. Now, Americans are talking about it!
Ethanol production in the U.S is growing - Ethanol production in the United States is growing so quickly that for the first time, farmers expect to sell as much corn this year to ethanol plants as they do overseas.
Biodiesel expected to be sold in Idaho by late summer - Biodiesel is expected to be sold on a retail level in Idaho by late summer.
Solar Panel Subsidy - Solar panel subsidies makes it easier to save money on solar panels and solar energy.
Energy Savers: Driving and car energy savings - Save money on gas with these energy saving tips.
Quest for energy alternatives steps up - The future of energy is bright in Said Al-Hallaj's invention lab at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
Nuclear energy coming to North Carolina - Rising out of the flatlands of N.C. is GE Energy's $450 million wager on a future for nuclear energy.
How to save on gas - How to save on gas costs at the pump. Tons of gas saving tips from EnergyRefuge.com
Home and car energy savings - There is a lot you can do to save energy and money at home and in your car.
Australian energy may go nuclear - Australia is looking at nuclear energy because of rising gas prices.
Solar power plant coming to Portugal - Portugal to receive a $75M solar plant courtesy of GE.
Cheap electricity from windmills - Will wind turbines on the Great Lakes be a source of cheap electricity or just a waste of money?
Electricity providers in Texas - Electricity providers in Texas are raising rates and customer concerns.
Solar Energy in California - Solar energy put to use powering a winery in California.
Albany county gives solar tax breaks - Albany County, N.Y. to give homeowners wanting solar energy systems a tax break.
Geothermal Energy in Canada - Geothermal energy in Canada is becoming more of a reality than a novelty.