Hybrid Car Articles
Honda Civic Hybrid - We review the Honda Civic Hybrid so you can get the facts before buying. Find out how the Civic hybrid did on our review here.
Honda Fit Hybrid - Those that might be interested in purchasing a Honda Fit hybrid should be encouraged by the news that the new model will utilize a 1-liter-class engine.
Hybrid car information - The best source for hybrid car information is at EnergyRefuge.com. Make sure that you get the hybrid info that you need..
Hybrid Car Misconceptions - These are some facts about hybrid cars and some common misconceptions that hybrid vehicle buyers have.
Hybrid Car Sales Statistics - Hybrid car sales statistics are quite surprising, given the high cost of purchasing a hybrid car.
Hybrid cars beat high gas prices - Hybrid cars can save you gas and money but should you still buy a hybrid vehicle?
Hybrid cars break even - The auto web site, Edmunds.com, is now saying that some hybrid cars are worth their premium price tag due to higher gas costs and tax credits from the government.
Hybrid cars and diesel cars compete - With high prices and rising energy costs, more Americans are buying alternative fuel autos, including diesel, hybrids, and ethanol fuel vehicles.
Hybrid Car Technology - Hybrid car technology involves the use of two sources of power, the most common being a combination of electric motors and gasoline combustion engines.
Hybrid Fuel Cars - Hybrid fuel cars usually combine two sources of power, the most common being a combination of electric motors and gasoline combustion engines.
Hybrid Fuel Vehicles - Hybrid fuel vehicles are vehicles that use two or more distinct power sources to move the vehicle. The term most commonly refers to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
Hybrid Gas Cars - Hybrid gas cars combine two sources of power- electric motors and gasoline combustion engines.
Hybrid School Buses - 11 States Are First in the Nation to Receive Hybrid School Buses as IC Corporation Awarded Bid by Advanced Energy Consortium.
Better hybrid car mileage in 3 minutes - Give me 3 minutes, and I will give you better hybrid car mileage. Hybrid tips you need to know.
Mercury Mariner Hybrid - The Mercury Mariner hybrid is a hybrid SUV that is truly making a splash. Find out more here.
New Hybrid Cars - New hybrid cars are launched all the time, but it�s good to consider what you want to get from a hybrid car before purchasing one.
Plugin Hybrid Cars - Plugin hybrid cars run on rechargeable batteries that can be fully recharged by connecting a plug to an external electric power source. They are also referred to as PHEV (plugin hybrid electric vehicles).
Plugin Hybrid Vehicles - Plugin hybrid vehicles are a cross between a conventional hybrid (with an electric motor and a combustion engine) and an all-electric vehicle, plus a plug to connect to the electrical grid.
Purpose of Hybrid Cars - What is the purpose of hybrid cars? They are fuel efficient, clean fuel burning, and they reduce the amount of carbon emissions.
Saturn Vue Hybrid - The Saturn Vue hybrid is going to be the first plug-in model on the hybrid SUV market. Read more here.
Toyota Camry Hybrid Gas Mileage - There are many reasons why the Toyota Camry Hybrid gas mileage is important to consider if you�re going to be in the market for a new vehicle soon.
Toyota Camry Hybrid - The Toyota Camry hybrid sets a standard for hybrid cars everywhere. Read our review here.
EPA Hybrid Cars - Find out which EPA hybrid cars that have appeared at the top of the mpg lists.
Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle - A fuel cell hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct power sources to move the vehicle. The term most commonly refers to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs).
Best Hybrid Car - What is the best hybrid car on the market? Find out what hybrid car is beating out all the competition.
2007 Hybrid Cars - Check out the 2007 hybrid cars that are making an impact with the green and automotive communities alike.
2007 Nissan Altima hybrid - The 2007 Nissan Altima hybrid is ready to be announced as the newest hybrid car on the market.
Altima Hybrid - The Altima Hybrid is the car to have if you want access to transportation while still reducing your impact on the environment.